Political Ecology Research Groups
ENTiTLE aims to create an international network of expertise in political ecology and to build a stable collaboration on Doctoral studies that takes into account the multidisciplinary training needed in this area.
University of Kentucky Political Ecology Working Group
The University of Kentucky Political Ecology Working Group (PEWG) is an interdisciplinary group of scholars at the University of Kentucky with common interests in the theory and practice of Political Ecology.
Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group – AAG
The Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group (CAPE) of the AAG aims to “promote scholarly activities integrating the cultural, political, economic and biophysical dimensions of resource use and environmental change, focusing on these issues and their linkages at and across multiple spatial and temporal scales.”
The Center for Political Ecology – Santa Cruz, CA
The Center for Political Ecology at UC Santa Cruz Cruz sponsors research and facilitates public access to political ecology by supporting the work of fellows, associates, and CPE members who document and explores the inter-relationships between economic activity, politics, culture, human rights, and the environment with a commitment to developing theory and praxis to sustain scholarly advocacy.
Land Lab: The political ecology of soico-natural worlds – University of California Berkeley
An inter-disciplinary research group at the University of California Berkeley that is supervised by Professor Nancy Lee Peluso.
Allied Research Groups
Indigenous Peoples Speciality Group
Indigenous Geography aims to foster pure and applied geographic research and geographic education that involves the indigenous peoples of the world, past and present, as well as encourage approaches to research and teaching that empower indigenous peoples, and to help build relationships of mutual trust between communities of indigenous peoples and academic geographers.
Mapping Resources
New Mappings Collaboratory
The New Mappings Collaboratory at the University of Kentucky draws on applied and conceptual traditions in mapping practices and mapping thought to present a stream of scholarship focused on public engagement, ‘big data’ and user-generated Internet content, as well as the affordances of place-based thinking, analysis, and representation.
The Environmental Justice Atlas
The EJAtlas documents and catalogues social conflict around environmental issues, aiming to make these mobilization more visible, highlight claims and testimonies and to make the case for true corporate and state accountability for the injustices inflicted through their activities. It also attempts to serve as a virtual space for those working on EJ issues to get information, find other groups working on related issues, and increase the visibility of environmental conflicts.
Action Research Resources
The Public Science Project
The Public Science Project (PSP), based at the City University of New York, engages a radical participatory pedagogy to redistribute knowledge across communities. They hold workshops, trainings, institutes, and salons on theories, methods, and ethics of PAR.
Academic Journals
Geoforum is a leading international, inter-disciplinary journal publishing innovative research and commentary in human geography and related fields. It is global in outlook and integrative in approach. The broad focus of Geoforum is the organisation of economic, political, social and environmental systems through space and over time. Areas of study range from the analysis of the global political economy, through political ecology, national systems of regulation and governance, to urban and regional development, feminist, economic and urban geographies and environmental justice and resources management.
Journal of Political Ecology
The peer reviewed Journal of Political Ecology at the University of Arizona accepts research into the linkages between political economy and human environmental impacts from a broad range of disciplines.
Revista Ecología Política
Ecología Política es una revista en español. En ella se tratan con periodicidad semestral temas relacionados con conflictos ambientales y ecología política de ámbito internacional.
Political Ecology is a Spanish-language journal. In biannual publications, it examines topics relating to environmental conflict and political ecology globally.
University of Arizona Projects
Institute of the Environment
The Institute of the Environment (IE) at the University of Arizona fosters collaboration to explain and resolve environmental challenges and to transform environmental research into useful knowledge for decision makers, consumers, and other stakeholders.
Climate Justice Network
The UA Climate Justice Network brings together faculty and students interested in the unequal causes and impacts of climate change and the need for just solutions to the risks of climate change. The Network supports faculty and student activities and outreach to the local and international community through a web and resources site, small grants, speakers, workshops, and other events that focus attention on justice and climate.
Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA)
The Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA) is a unique academic research unit within the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona that uses anthropology to address pressing issues in local communities.
University of Arizona Community and School Garden Program
The University of Arizona’s Community and School Garden Program (CSGP) aims to enable Tucson teachers to develop and sustain gardens and use them as an experiential learning tool, one that connects students to their local environments as well as to the culture, science, and politics of food.
What are the proximities between art and environment? How might exploring the symmetries between art and science open up new ways of being and becoming in the world? How might different fields of knowledge work together to address the environmental perils that we are faced with here in the geologic Anthropocene? These are just a few of the questions at the root of this Proximities blog, written by Eric Magrane of Institute of the Environment.
Media, Art and Storytelling
The Gold Farmers: Nancy Lee Peluso
Professor Peluso writes: “Smallholder gold mining has exploded across Indonesia over the last 20 years. Each site has its own history and manners of working; each pit or shaft within the broader mining sites experiences trajectories of boom and bust. Both the mining activities and the gold produced in these sites compete with those from the gigantic corporate miners known around the world: Freeport, Newmont, and Aurora. Though ‘small-scale’—in the sense that crews work at the direction of a mining boss/small businessman who runs the operations with his or her own money or others’ investments—its effects generate as much shock and awe to the uninitiated observer as do those of their corporate counterparts.”
Knight Digital Media Center: UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
The Knight Digital Media Center (KDMC) at UC Berkeley provides tutorials and video presentations from industry experts to help develop multimedia skills on a variety of platforms.
WITNESS is an international nonprofit organization that has been using the power of video and storytelling for 20 years to open the eyes of the world to human rights abuses. It puts unique video advocacy resources online and making them adoptable and accessible for ordinary citizens around the world.
Jake Bryant, documentary photographer
Photographer Jake Bryant specializes in photographic coverage of environmental science research for academic institutions, NGOs and film production companies. The core purpose is to deliver high quality, interactive visual content for global outreach.
The Center for Urban Pedagogy
The Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP) is a nonprofit organization that uses the power of design and art to improve civic engagement. CUP collaborates with designers, educators, advocates, students, and communities to make educational tools that demystify complex policy and planning issues.
HabitatSeven is a media lab dedicated to testing and implementing innovative technologies for education and public outreach in the areas of science, health, development, and the environment.
The Center for Story-based Strategy
The Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS) is a national movement-building organization dedicated to harnessing the power of narrative for social change. Through trainings and strategic support, they help social justice networks, alliances and organizations change the story on issues that matter most.
Public Political Ecology in Action
If Not Us, Then Who?
‘If Not Us, Then Who?’ is a group of activists, artists, affected communities, and academics who are exploring one key element of the climate crisis by asking a very basic question – who is protecting our forests? ‘If Not Us Then Who’ communicates firsthand the unique personal stories of an inconspicuous yet vital people, as they battle to protect their lives, their cultures and our forests.
Decolonizing Water: Building Resilient Water Futures – University of British Colombia, Canada
The goal of the Decolonizing Water project is to create a prototype of an Indigenous-led community-based water monitoring initiative that is rooted in Indigenous laws, and is a practical expression of Indigenous water governance.
Global Environments Network
The Global Environments Network gathers inspiring change makers who are actively seeking solutions to environmental and social problems. This collective leadership network promotes social and environmental justice, strengthening wellbeing at scales from local to global.