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Animating United States-Mexico border studies
Juanita Sundberg argues for animating border research and engagements.
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Bordering authority, circumventing resistance: ASARCO and the search for environmental justice in the Paso del Norte
Tim Collins presents an essay investigating environmental justice activism and transboundary air quality management in the Paso del Norte region.
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Border (In)Security and the ‘Unknown Unknown’
Geoff Boyce critically reflects on the policies, processes, and impacts of escalating border securitization and militarization in the US-Mexico borderlands.
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Militarization, Conservation, and Commemoration on the Iron Curtain Trail
David Havlick explores tensions between commemoration, redemption, memory, and historical erasure in the Iron Curtain borderlands with a fascinating photo essay.
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Look beyond the food
Most studies on mid-day meal schemes in India tend to focus on the obvious nutritional benefits or lack thereof. PPELer Carly argues that the impact of these programs extend far beyond, justifying the need to fund and monitor them more stringently.
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Bowman Expedition 2.0
Why is the DOD funding research on indigenous peoples? Joe Bryan comments on the latest Bowman Expedition in Central America.
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Misunderstanding, militarized
Wainwright: “We are witnessing an unprecedented attempt by one state to collect data…reaching into the most intimate spaces of our lives and saturating our very means of communication”.
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