“Power in Political Ecology” workshop, in Bergen, Norway

The Norwegian Research Network on Political Ecology and Environmental Policy will organise a workshop in Bergen 26th – 27th November 2015 on the theme ‘Power in political ecology’. The call for papers is open until 15th September 2015 (see below).


In political ecology, analyses of conflicts in the exploitation, governance and knowledge of the environment and environmental resources form key objects of study. These analyses focus on the involvements of resource users, NGOs, states, planners and (multi)national companies or other actors, including researchers, in material and discursive struggles over access, control and meanings of resources, spaces and landscapes. Identifying power and diverse ways through which power is gained, legitimized, exercised and resisted by different actors in environmental resource governance and at multiple scales is crucial. Understanding power from both structural and actor-oriented perspectives has thus been essential in political ecology, although the concept is not always clearly defined in this field.

This workshop explores the concepts of power used in political ecology. We aim to provide insight into the theories of power explicitly or implicitly used in political ecology. We invite papers on relevant research in contexts from all parts of the world.

Funded and initiated by the Norwegian Research Network on Political Ecology and Environmental Policy and the Norwegian Researcher School in Geography, and is organised by the Department of Geography, University of Bergen

Deadline for submitting abstract: 15th September

Deadline for submitting full paper: 30th October

Deadline for registration without paper: 5th November


Registrations, abstracts and papers should be e-mailed to: ragnhild.overa@geog.uib.no


Keynote speakers:

  • Jesse Ribot, University of Illinois: Power in natural resource access
  • Haavard Haarstad, University of Bergen: Power and scale
  • Andrea Nightingale, University of Gothenburg: Power, intersectionality and authority

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